..Life sucks !!
Well, it's 4.13 AM and I'm still stuck at my office , for once , I hope Ignorance is Bliss !! I'm ignoring the fact that professional-life is turning out to be a big stand-off. Well, need some creative Out !
"Don't be a part of the problem, Be the problem." The whole point of existence is just not limited to "Live and let live" Life is more than that. You are unique... Everyone else is.... So what really makes you "different". Go on. Read the blog, and see the bird eye view of life ...Life from a completely new perspective. Live Your Life !
Well, it's 4.13 AM and I'm still stuck at my office , for once , I hope Ignorance is Bliss !! I'm ignoring the fact that professional-life is turning out to be a big stand-off. Well, need some creative Out !
Posted by
2:43 PM
This is something I came across pretty recently.
On google:: Try searching for "2.2 USD per gallon in INR per litre" without the Quotation marks , Of course... and you'll love the result.
I love you Google Inc.
Posted by
4:16 AM
1. Not suitable for children under three years old, and students of Non-Recognized yemm bee yay ponytailed yinstitutes.
2. All incidents, persons and places mentioned in this Web site ("Site") are fictional and any resemblance to any person living or dead is purely coincidental.
Too bad losers , Try and Sue me now ... oh , so ya' gonna tell papa' dear about !!
3. The author of this short play suffers from mild form of selective amnesia, and will refuse ever having written this thing down.
4. Any person suing me for amounts of over 125 Crores (that's 1.25 Billion Rs. for the Uninitiated) will be tackled as a total jerk looser and will be bashed with flummery of a thousand bloggers (sic)
5. ----------->>End of legal disclaimer<<--------- Do not read ahead
And Garrav(the protagonist) pulled the ponyman's tail, the effort that took him more than a single blog, it required the first mass uprising of the Learned Indian Media. By learned media, I mean blogs , because I do not trust the print media, cause all that matters to them is the Xfactor , no news , just views, besides the 5-Crore-A-Month-Advertisements
.... well , not deviating from the point , a single blog by Garrav, was enough to shake the foundations of a yinstitute of over 6,000 yemm bee yays.
Man, so , to cut the crap Short, the motive of the story is , when you have a big mouth , make sure that you do not bite every little institute (read yai yai yemmz) on ur way to glory !
Scene 1
It was a warm afternoon, It all started when some guy from some smalltime publication went out to the market. Earlier that morning , when the smalltime guy read a bigtime newspaper, in which guru ABC ran a full page advertisement for n days in a row. A bug called journalism bit this smalltime man and he decided to look for the truth ... What the !!! Man! Cant’ you see, that ABC was telling the truth, or why else would he run the same advt. for 20 days in a row in all the magazines and the newspapers. Oh yes, and the ad had the photograph of the Ponyman's tail, or the ponytail man's , I don't clearly remember. Well, the ad was more like brilliance, a hundred in one; Prasoon couldn’t have made a better advertisement. The ad' read - Dare to think beyond the yai yai yemm's , and now , this smalltime' journalist's not' so smalltime boss was from this yai yai yemm, so set to impress her, our man decides to look for the catch in this 'TRUE ADVERTISEMENT' .
.. scene continues, Man at Ponytail yinstitute:-
yinstitutes-receptionist: what do you want ?
smalltime Journalist : is this yai yai pee yemm, surely sounded better in the fullpage advertisement .
yinstitutes-receptionist: well, what's it that you're missing bro ?
smalltime Journalist : the swimming pool ?
yinstitutes-receptionist: ya' never herd of outsourcing , we outsourced the swimming pool .
smalltime Journalist : i mean, is it not cheating ?
yinstitutes-receptionist: not really, but we've got ABC man, the master with a ponytail. he's the best management guru in the whole world .
smalltime Journalist : Says who ?
yinstitutes-receptionist: The AD, didn't you see it , we ran it for 20 long days in all the newspapers for loosers like you to see.
smalltime Journalist : But, i mean , who gave the advertisements in the newspapers ??
yinstitutes-receptionist: We did, why ??
smalltime Journalist : nah !! never mind.
yinstitutes-receptionist: so , whaddya say bro ?
smalltime Journalist : do you have wi-fi here
yinstitutes-receptionist: who's that. Dosen't work here.
smalltime Journalist : but that's what the ad says.
yinstitutes-receptionist: Perception, my dear , is beyond reality !
smalltime Journalist : whaddya mean ??
yinstitutes-receptionist: not really, but we've got ABC man, the master with a ponytail. he's the best management guru in the whole world .
smalltime Journalist : Says who ?
...... and the discussion continues.
Scene 2:
and just outside the main gate of yai yai pee yemm.
Smalltime Journalist : Hi Bud, u from this college
yinstitutes-Student : I'm smart, and carry a laptop, of course I’m from this college
Smalltime Journalist : you mean, a free laptop
yinstitutes-Student : yea' free for 50000
Smalltime Journalist : you mean , you had to pay for this laptop.
yinstitutes-Student : no, the laptops free' . but i had to 50000 extra.
Smalltime Journalist : extra for what
yinstitutes-Student : i don't know , but the laptop's free.
Smalltime Journalist :whateva' you say buddy. by the way , you in final year.
yinstitutes-Student : yup.
Smalltime Journalist : so where are you placed.
yinstitutes-Student : what do you mean, which Call center ?
Smalltime Journalist : i mean where is your job set ?
yinstitutes-Student : that's the thing i love abt this college , if you don't get anywhere, you get a job in Ponymann consultancy.
Smalltime Journalist : you men everybody does get a job ,
yinstitutes-Student : Yup , every single person, everyone , but the last 70 percent of the students
Smalltime Journalist : you mean , only 30 percent get placed.
yinstitutes-Student :Of course, what an idiot, ponymann consultancy cannot place every looser on the face of the planet.
Smalltime Journalist : you callin your batch mates loosers,
yinstitutes-Student : watch your tongue young man, this will get you in big legal trouble some day.
the smalltime journalist repotes this to Rusmee bansah, his boss, the smart-thing from yai yai yemm (not yai yai pee yemm). Now beyond the fact that this college badmouths hers, she's angry for the fact that her magazine never gets a share of the five-crore-a-month-advertisement bounty. so, off goes the truth in the Magazine.
Now , enter's our protagonist, Garrav, the smartypants from yai bee yemm, now called lennovoh.
writes a blog, points to Rusmee's article.
forgets all abt it.
Suddenly, Ponyman's-legal-advisor comes into the picture.
Ponyman's-legal-advisor : you #_P@#$@ , i'm gonna rip yer' blog apart.
Garrav'(protagonist) : Sure thing , what did I do.
Ponyman's-legal-advisor : I'm gonna SUE you for 25 Crores
Garrav'(protagonist) : for what !!
Ponyman's-legal-advisor : YOu !!! make that 125 Crores.
Garrav'(protagonist) : -what ?
Ponyman's-legal-advisor : --->really furious .... One hundred and Twentyfive Crore ( 1.25 Billion for the Uninitiated), Not a penny less
Garrav'(protagonist) : you really think you're worth that ??
Ponyman's-legal-advisor : Well, and i take off the blog.
Garrav'(protagonist) : Sue me Looser
Ponyman's-legal-advisor : I'll sue you., and i'll make you pay 125 Crores plus my fee, plus the cost of internet time i'm using up for mailing you..
Garrav'(protagonist) : waiting for you looser.
now, the Ponyman's-legal-advisor calls up garrav's boss.
Ponyman's-legal-advisor : I'm gonna sue you all.
Boss : But that's his personal Blog.
Ponyman's-legal-advisor : kick him off his Job.
Boss : for what ? never in a hundred years
Ponyman's-legal-advisor : i'll burn 200 laptops and then issue a full page article about it.
Boss : but that's your own loss
Ponyman's-legal-advisor : never mind that, they are insured. But i'll mock you.
Boss : never mind. A penny for your thoughts.
At this point , the protagonist acts like Munnabhai MBBS and quits his job for no good reason.
in the meantime, ABC , the ponyman' tail calls up GARRAV',
ABC : This is the president of Microhsaft speaking.
GARRAV : Who're you trying to fool.
ABC : take off your blog,.
ABC : (pretending to be from Microhsaft )because ABC is the best guru, and i'm his student.
GARRAV : Wha'' !! (Disconnects)
GARRAV : Looser !
ABC : (Calls Again immediately ) This is Sri Sri Ravisankar speaking (a respected preacher)
GARRAV : Who're you trying to fool.
ABC : take off your blog,.
ABC : (pretending to be from Microhsaft )because ABC is the best guru, and i'm his student.
GARRAV : Wha'' !! (Disconnects) Looser !!
-------->>> Scene 5
Garrav posts the details on his blog. All Indian bloggers unite (Cheers : hic)
ABC : cia all in court , I'm gonna sue you all, each and every one of you . And I won't even let ya' enter my yinstitute, which is better than five yai yai yemm's.
Bloggers: Uugh , get off you slimy thing you , You stink.
ABC: Sue you all for 125 Crores.
Bloggers: sure thing , now off you go.
ABC : i'm the best guru in the world.
Bloggers : somebody , get me ODOMOS.
ABC : Sue you all, 125 Crores a head, That will get me enough cash for 500 more advertisements for 10days.
the Final scene :
Garrav , a smalltime somebody, finally gets to meet the ABC , THE abc , whateva, you call that ponyman tail.
And Garrav(the protagonist) pulled the ponyman's tail, the effort that took him more than a single blog, it required the first mass uprising of the Learned Indian Media. By learned media, I mean blogs , because I do not trust the print media, cause all that matters to them is the Xfactor , no news , just views, besides the 5-Crore-A-Month-Advertisements
.... well , not deviating from the point , a single blog by Garrav, was enough to shake the foundations of a yinstitute of over 6,000 yemm bee yays.
Man, so , to cut the crap Short, the motive of the story is , when you have a big mouth , make sure that you do not bite every little institute (read yai yai yemmz) on ur way to glory !
yea' and abt the fate of the yinstiute, nothing was lost, .. i mean , what did it have to loose , it had no respect, Wasn't accredited... and anyway , If yai yai yaemms are only for the best in the world , and the second bests goto the other b-schools , where do the loosers go ,
of course yai yai Pee yemm !!!!! cheers (hic)
PS: mr abc , do not sue me , as
a...i won't quit my job , cause i'vent got one.
b...125 crores, well, yai yemm broke.
c.. you see, do you really have the energy to wage another war ???? !!! LOOSERS !
Posted by
8:28 AM
After lying dormant for over a year now , I decide to errupt. Well, this had to happen. Well, past's past ! over to a new beginning Now !!
'Long years ago we made a tryst with destiny, and now the time comes when we shall redeem our pledge, not wholly or in full measure, but very substantially.' And substantially, but sure enough, I've decided to blog again.
Cheers (hic)
Posted by
7:53 AM