Friday, August 28, 2009

My perfect umbrella

My perfect umbrella:

Gas powered, spring loaded detachable top, with a sharp tip. Should be moderately usable in case I wanna kill a target 50 mt's away.

Should be able to withstand high pressure air, by which I mean, it should double up as a parachute.

Well, if it's not too much to ask, make it waterproof as well.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Pravin's handbag.

I have a colleague of mine who is thorroughly confused about his sexuality. . Gay/Straight .. Male/Female/Others ;)

Anyhow I wanna rant about his bag.
His handbag has Cream and deodorants, and moisturizer , and lip balm, and lip gloss...
Rubber bands etc.
Ask me how it's different from any Girl's handbag, and i would be speechless.

Wondering if it has tampons or Sanitary Pads too !!!!

Stand up urinals are NOT indian.

How the hell is one supposed to pee whilst wearing 'Ethinic' Kurta pajamas ?

Tuesday, June 09, 2009

My ambitions

My manager Manish once asked me to perform this 'Powerful' excercise, where in i list my ambitions - as in what I wanted to be when i was 0-5 years, 5-10, 10-15 , 15-20 and 20-24 year old.

Well, here i go:

0-5 year old
Scientist, Racecar Driver, Doctor (probably a gynae .. eeew), i also wanted to be a superman.

5-10 year old
Scientist, wanted to be 9 years old for some technical reasons- achieved this one !, a Wrestler, F1 racecar driver, wanted something to do with computers- I loved logo !

10-15 year old
Businessman:with a computer related business , a man manager, a corporate, My own company, a marketing business.

15-20 year old
Businessman, Portfolio Fund Manager, a Venture capitalist, a consultant to a marketing business, A Brand consultant

20-24 year old
-maybe later !

will keep updating the list as i can think of more.

Broke that !

Tuesday, June 02, 2009

I promise to rant more !`

those sucky things are meant to be broken anyway !

Sucky things

Of all the things that suck , ... does the most .

Tuesday, May 05, 2009

RHEL sucks !

RHEL Linux sucks !
And now , that's official. have been trying the get the damned thing to obtain an IP for the last 5 hours !
DamnIT !