Think About it !
United States embraced affirmative action for blacks in 1960s. But more than reservations, social awareness programs caused employers and universities to actively recruit black people and show that they are giving equal opportunities to all races. The effects have been monitored over the years and the programs adjusted to produce maximum results. Reservations for black has created a creamy layer and the benfits to richer blacks are more visible the poor ones. Malaysia also started reservations for Malay people who traditionally lagged behind people of Chinese and Indian origins. This caused the Chinese and Indians to flee the country with their capital apart from social rifts. Malaysia has recently revoked reservation based on ethnic origins in higher education. In Srilanka, appeasement of traditionally backward Sinhalese population created a huge rift between Sinhalese and Tamils and led to riots and civil war. This is a huge lesson for India, coming out from a neighbouring country, as the classes now being given reservations are outnumbering the unreserved classes. India can witness similar conflicts and caste wars witnessed in some states like Bihar may engulf other parts of the country.
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