Tuesday, June 09, 2009

My ambitions

My manager Manish once asked me to perform this 'Powerful' excercise, where in i list my ambitions - as in what I wanted to be when i was 0-5 years, 5-10, 10-15 , 15-20 and 20-24 year old.

Well, here i go:

0-5 year old
Scientist, Racecar Driver, Doctor (probably a gynae .. eeew), i also wanted to be a superman.

5-10 year old
Scientist, wanted to be 9 years old for some technical reasons- achieved this one !, a Wrestler, F1 racecar driver, wanted something to do with computers- I loved logo !

10-15 year old
Businessman:with a computer related business , a man manager, a corporate, My own company, a marketing business.

15-20 year old
Businessman, Portfolio Fund Manager, a Venture capitalist, a consultant to a marketing business, A Brand consultant

20-24 year old
-maybe later !

will keep updating the list as i can think of more.

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