Friday, May 05, 2006


Infact I believe that there should be reservation in the indian cricket team ! Atleast 4 ST and 5 OBC candidates in the playing 13.
moreover , No bowler should be allowed to bowl over 80 miles to a SC batsman .
An SC bat'sman's 4 should be taken as a 6 and his 6 as 8 runs.

.. and any SC batsman scoring over 30 runs should be termed as a Century.How's That Arjun Singh !
You bastard , if you really wanna get the country down in tbe dumps , you better do that in a less sly way.
I hope, you have a SC pilot , who'd crash your helicopter soon. And then a SC doctor to ensure that your Autopsy dosent take long
Long live the republic !


Code-Geek said...

This was one of the most hilarious yet intelligent way of communicating the message.

good job!!

Anonymous said...

wasn't this by Narayan Murthy?
except for the bastard part ! :D